If you like to travel, then it's likely that you've purchased travel insurance before. Travel insurance provides you with financial protections, just in case you need to cancel your travel plans. However, there are some instances when you want to cancel, but your travel insurance may not cover the costs.
Traveling Where There are Protests and Civil Unrest
Traveling abroad often means your travel plans may collide with problems in other countries. Nowadays, civil unrest is common throughout the world. Citizens of a particular country may be outraged about perceived transgressions from their government and want to exercise their right to protest. Often, these protests can easily turn into civil unrest. When this happens, you can't simply cancel your plans and expect your money back through your travel insurance. Instead of cancelling your plans during these events, try to reschedule or look for alternative locales.
Traveling During Pregnancy
Many people think that having medical care domestically pays for their medical care abroad. Most of the time, this assumption is wrong. In most cases, travel insurance provides you with extra medical options that may help you sustain your life; however, most companies do not cover pregnancy and childbirth. If you anticipate traveling while you are pregnant, you should try to avoid doing so during your last few months of being pregnant. In fact, it's advisable to delay trips abroad until after you deliver your baby.
Participating in Extreme Sports
Like many types of insurance policies, when you place your life at risk, it is unacceptable in the insurance industry. For instance, jumping out airplanes, scuba diving with sharks or parachuting are common exclusions on your coverage. There are companies that offer optional protection for individuals who anticipate participating in any form of extreme sports.
Traveling with Pre-Existing Medical Conditions
Pre-existing medical conditions are those illnesses you had prior to making your travel arrangements. Since you are aware of the possible dangers your conditions cause, travel insurance may not cover cancellations as a result of these conditions. You are expected to manage your health, which includes knowing whether or not you can travel. Keep in mind, many companies do offer optional coverage so that you can enhance your travel insurance.
Still have questions about your coverage? Call Insurance Providers at (417) 862-7700 for more information on Springfield travel insurance.